NAM Endowed Position Established by Academy Member Couple

Jane E. Henney (NAM '00) and Robert "Bob" Graham (NAM '90) have always valued the professional experiences and personal friendships they've gained—during their more than 50 years of combined membership—at the National Academy of Medicine (NAM). That's why Jane and Bob decided to build on their over 20 years of giving by endowing a position in the NAM's Office of Membership and Governance—The Jane E. Henney Director of Membership and Governance—and recently documenting a charitable bequest as part of the Academy's $100M Campaign for the NAM.
Jane's long-time involvement in the membership and governance activities of the Academy is what inspired her and her husband Bob to create this endowment, which will support the mission of the NAM.
"We have greatly appreciated the opportunities for professional involvement that our memberships have provided. The opportunity now to support the NAM's mission in future years is one we view as both timely, and welcome," commented Jane and Bob.
In addition to providing critical endowment support to the Academy, Jane and Bob's gifts qualify them for membership in the Abraham Lincoln Society and Heritage Society of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The Abraham Lincoln Society acknowledges and honors members and friends whose lifetime giving is $1M or more. The Heritage Society acknowledges and honors members and friends who document a planned gift.
This endowed position is one of two donor-funded endowed positions, joining the Leonard D. Schaeffer Fund, within the NAM. "The endowment of positions, programs, and other ongoing activities is vital to ensuring the long-term vitality of the Academy. I'm honored that Jane and Bob have made this generous gift in recognition of Jane's service to the NAM, and I'm grateful for their important contributions and service throughout the years," said NAM President, Victor Dzau.
Throughout her career, Jane has served in a series of senior health-policy leadership positions in the public sector, including serving as the first woman FDA commissioner. She was inducted into the NAM in 2000 and soon after became involved in various Academy activities. Jane began her service in membership activities as Co-Chair and Chair of Section 12 from 2005-2009, and then as Chair of the Membership Committee from 2011 to 2013. In 2014, she was appointed Home Secretary, and in 2018 became the first elected Home Secretary as the Institute of Medicine transitioned to the NAM.
Bob has held leadership positions in various public health and family medicine organizations. He was inducted into the NAM in 1990 and has served on the Membership Committee and Chaired several consensus studies. Bob is a long-time faculty member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellowship Program and serves as Chair of the NAM Fellowships Advisory Committee.